Shivam Parikh

A collection of my projects, papers, thoughts, and opinions.

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Apple Music Data Extension - Test Instructions

A quick analysis of your apple music data.

Shivam Shivam Parikh

Congressional Partisan Voting Analysis

Using historical voting data and party information to determine the statistical significance of partisan voting behavior in the chambers of congress.

Shivam Shivam Parikh

Analyzing the Covid-19 Outbreak

Maps, graphs, and analytics on the covid outbreak in America. (Charts Updated: 05/07/20)

Shivam Shivam Parikh

Cel Shader

Implementing a Cel Shader in C++ with GLSL Shaders.

Shivam Shivam Parikh

Detailing the Need for Transparency in Data Practices

An op-ed on the overwhelming need for transparency in technological data collection practices. Written as a paper for History C184D at UC Berkeley.

Shivam Shivam Parikh

Cloth Simulation

A cloth simulation project for a Computer Graphics course.

Shivam Shivam Parikh

Pathtracing and Lighting

Pathtracing rays to simulate lighting and refraction on objects.

Shivam Shivam Parikh


A triangle mesh editor tool to resample and smooth meshes prior to rendering. Written as part of a class project in CS 184 at UC Berkeley.

Shivam Shivam Parikh


A vector graphics renderer for SVGs and PNGs made for CS 184 at UC Berkeley.

Shivam Shivam Parikh

HDR Processing and Seam Carving

Final project for Computational Photography, HDR implementation and Seam Carving.

Shivam Shivam Parikh

Panoramic Images and Homographies

A project for CS 194-26 to perform automated panoramic stitching with RANSAC and homographies.

Shivam Shivam Parikh

Face Warping and Affine Transformations

Using python and affine transformations to perform face warps.

Shivam Shivam Parikh

Building a Pinhole Camera

Building a pinhole camera to understand how to capture light.

Shivam Shivam Parikh

Raspberry Pi RF Controller

Controlling RF remote devices from a Raspberry Pi with GPIO and a breadboard.

Shivam Shivam Parikh

The Balance of Dharma and Adharma in the Mahabharata

Analyzing how righteousness and evil are balanced in the Mahabharata and how both are co-dependent in the story. Written for South Asian Studies 142 at UC Berkeley.

Shivam Shivam Parikh

C++ 2D and 3D Animation

Wrote a simple graphics library from scratch in C++.

Shivam Shivam Parikh